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          Are you new to Macedonia Church of Pittsburgh? Do you want to get connected? The first place to start is our New Disciples Class! Macedonia Church asks each of its new members to complete the New Disciples Class before Macedonia extends full membership rights and privileges to a member. We refer to new members asDisciples to capture the evolving experience of belonging to the body of Christ. A Disciple is a “follower or student of Jesus.” As Disciples, we are constantly studying Jesus’ words and behaviors with the goal of speaking and acting more like Him.


          For Your Convenience - New Disciples have the option of a morning or evening course.
The three hour course is NOW offered two times a month:

- Every 3rd Saturday from 9am - Noon or Every 3rd Thursday from 6pm - 9pm.
The New Disciple will be contacted by a New Disciples Ministry member with specific class dates.

-Children's Classes, age 7-12 are held Every 3rd and 4th Sundays  at 10a.
-Teen Classes, ages 13-18 are held Every 3rd and 4th Sundays at 10a.

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